Welcome to the new site for the Lowell Historical Architectural Inventory.
Please note the new address for this site - https://lowellhistarch.omeka.net/
If you are looking for other collections formerly in Digital Initiatives they can be found on the UMass Lowell Digital Collections page.
The collections in this site consist of:
- Lowell Massachusetts: Building Surveys Overview Reports - Two reports that provide information on the Lowell National Historical Park and Preservation District and the The Lowell Neighborhoods.
- Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey - The results of an inventory project that identified and examined historically and architecturally significant commercial, residential, recreational, municipal, and industrial sites.
- Lowell Cultural Resources Inventory - An inventory of all properties within the Lowell National Historical Park and the Lowell Historic Preservation District including commercial, residential, recreational, municipal, and industrial sites.
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Cabot Street (Acre) - Cabot Street, 22-24 - Cabot Block

Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80
Cabot Street (Acre) - Cabot Street, 22-24 - Cabot Block
Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80
Cabot Street (Acre) - Cabot Street, 22-24 - Cabot Block
Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80
The Lowell Neighborhoods: An Historical & Architectural Overview

Prepared by Elizabeth Durfee Hengen as part of a Neighborhood Cultural Resource Inventory jointly funded by t he City of Lowell through its Community…