Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey

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Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey


Lowell, Massachusetts, Historical Architecture


The Lowell Neighborhoods: An Historical and Architectural Overview was prepared for the City of Lowell, Division of Planning and Development and the Massachusetts Historical Commission by the Elizabeth Durfee Hengen, Preservation Planner. In 1981, the City of Lowell conducted an inventory project of the areas outside the newly created Lowell Historic Preservation District. The resulting Lowell Neighborhoods Survey identified and examined 828 historically and architecturally significant commercial, residential, recreational, municipal, and industrial sites. These reports are presented here for the first time in digital format as keyword-searchable PDF documents. Special appreciation is owed to the City of Lowell for providing the original reports to scan.


Elizabeth Durfee Hengen


City of Lowell


University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries


Lowell Cultural Resources Inventory







Collection Items

Acre Area - North Common
3 page report physically located in box 2, folder 1.

Acre Area - Lowell Hosiery Company Buildings - Mount Vernon Street
5 page report physically located in box 2, folder 1. Address: 251 Mount Vernon Street.

Acre Area - Wannalancit Street Area
2 page report physically located in box 2, folder 1.

South End / Back Central Area - Chapel Hill
7 page report physically located in box 2, folder 2.

South End / Back Central Area - South Common
4 page report physically located in box 2, folder 2.

South End / Back Central Area - Wigginville
2 page report physically located in box 2, folder 2.

Belvidere Area - The Oaklands
3 page report physically located in box 2, folder 3.

Belvidere Area - Washington Square
5 page report physically located in box 2, folder 3.

Belvidere Area - Shedd Playground and Park
2 page report physically located in box 2, folder 3.

Belvidere Area - Belvidere Hill
4 page report physically located in box 2, folder 3.
View all 831 items