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Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80

Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80

Bound Edition of Lowell Neighborhoods: Historical and Architectural Survey Center for Lowell History 20M-2/80
Massachusetts Historical Commission Inventory, 4-page report
Prepared by Elizabeth Durfee Hengen as part of a Neighborhood Cultural Resource Inventory jointly funded by t he City of Lowell through its Community Development Block Grant program and the Massachusetts Historical Commission through the National…
This Report and its accompanying inventory volumes and base maps together form the end product of a contract between the National Park Service and Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott. The purpose of this contract was to inventory and begin an…
2 page report physically located in box 1, folder 250.
2 page report physically located in box 1, folder 249.
3 page report physically located in box 1, folder 248.
2 page report physically located in box 1, folder 247.
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